Archive for December, 2008

Thank god i am modern

Religion, caste creed were hardly discussed in my family, once i remember, it was after 6 dec 1992. That year gave me the realization of being a HINDU. Though what Hinduism is all about I don’t know… not yet.

People invariably explicitly voiced, that I am very “MODERN” in my outlook. It was always an accusation, something to be shame of and never to be pride of. Why I am tragged modern? I don’t booze or smoke, I don’t expose my midriff, I never had a boyfriend, I never visited disco…I don’t hang around in malls, I don’t go for late night parties, still “MODERN”?

I assume being a woman and having an independent opinion is sufficient enough to be labelled as “MODERN”.

What happens behind those well fortified orthodox tradition is hard to believe, it is darker than the darkest. A woman from this school once said to me “ you know sister, when I visited my relative, I suffered a lot there, but when I returned I did not utter a word against them” She was full of pride for her silence. I was and still am bewildered, I don’t know what her suffering were, Must be a deep wound else time would have healed her. Probably in their world they teach “ It can not be cured, u better endure “

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